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Carson City BMX Map

1555 Livermore Ln
Carson City NV 89721
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Track Operator:
Mary Leaming
[email protected]

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Carson City BMX, best kept secret in Carson. Carson City BMX (CCBMX) 2024 season starting. Have you been interested in the Olympic sport of BMX? Come visit us at Carson City BMX. We’re located at 1555 Livermore Lane, Pete Livermore Sports Complex (the hill across from the soccer fields). Membership signups are always ongoing. CCBMX offers a 1-day, 1-time use of a free membership to try it out; applicable racing or practice fees apply. CCBMX offers every rider the ability to participate; no one sits on the bench. BMX is a true family-oriented sport proving you don’t have to spend a lot to enjoy a lot. Ages start at 2 (both riders & strider nation) to 62 years young, boys and girls. Check out our Facebook>Carson City BMX; or email [email protected]; when we’re at the track you can call/text 775.220.7111 or leave a message at 775.246.3660

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