Hello BMX friends...I am posting new photos with my mom's help of course. I had big wins and challenges along the way. My season was amazing and I got off to a great start. I had lots of wins and quickly moved up to Intermediate level. I attended several state races too! I had my first big accident, it was scary and mom was worried a lot. But my head healed and the doctor said I am ok. So back to training and racing. I started a new school too. I am making friends there too. I got to race my hero friend Ryan Pettigrew. He is awesome and when we see each other we fist bump! That's awesome! Let's see...I am still getting use to traveling. Getting to BMX tracks sometimes takes forever. I don't know why tho. Maybe when I get a little older I will understand it more. Oh and talking about age, I turned 5 also!! 

Ok that's all for now. If you see me, say hello... Later..#635