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Rad Canyon BMX Indoor Map

2100 W 11400 S
South Jordan UT 84095
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Track Operator:
Travis Moultin

[email protected]

Track Image

Rad Canyon BMX Indoor News

  • Information for new riders

    Information for new riders from USABMX   1. The best place to start is It explains the different memberships and trial memberships you can start with. Everyone needs to have some sort of membership to ride on the track. If you decide to purchase a full membership, please choose Rad Canyon BMX as your home tr...

  • Practice

    Hi!  We have had many questions about practice times during our indoor season. We actually don't have a dedicated day or time for practice so we want to explain why.... We rent the Bastian Center from USU each indoor season. Our rental agreement is costly so we are running rentals for the hours we don't have registration or racing going on. We get access to the track early Friday morning and we start building the track for that weekend. It takes about 10-12 h...
