Monday 8/11 - Gate Practice- 6-8:00PM $4.00/rider

Tuesday 8/12 - ***Tentative- weather not looking good****Gate Practice- 6-8:00PM $4.00/rider

Wednesday 8/13 - No scheduled events, possible working day depending on what the rain does on Tuesday

Thursday 8/14 - Summer Sizzlin Series Race # 8. Reg 6-7:30pm Race 
ASMAP, 2-moto transfer

Friday 8/15 - No scheduled events, track is open for open riding

Saturday 8/16 - Single point race. Reg 6-7:30PM. Race ASAMP.

Sunday 8/17 - Va State Qualifier at VMP-BMX.
(Hampton track is open to public if dry)

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We will update as the week goes on.