Somehow I talked myself into trying BMX racing and I'm hooked. My first trip to a BMX Race was the Land 'O Lakes National and two weeks laters I'm making my second race appearance at Music City BMX in Nashville. I have to say that the parking situation leaves a lot to be desired. In all honesty though, you get what you pay for. The best advertisement for the premium VIP parking... is the $10 parking. Once you've done it, you won't make that mistake again. Save your pennies this year and next year you'll want to splurge on the $25 VIP spot. It's closer and you won't be as worn out going back and forth.

With that being said, I had a blast. I raced some great guys that were fun to talk to. I learned alot. And I also got some nice trophies. So thanks to all those that helped me long the way. Ben and Josh... it was great to race with you guys and hope to see you down the line somewhere. And Ivan... hope you are okay and get back to racing soon.

I finished the trip with a 3rd place on Saturday and a 2nd place on Sunday. Not bad for guy just getting started. Better yet, my brother managed to also get a 3rd on Saturday and a 2nd on Sunday. Very nice showing for both of us.